Monthly $0.16 / d$4.99Subscription
Quarterly $0.09 / d$7.99Subscription
Yearly $0.03 / d$10.99Subscription
Monthly $0.16 / d$4.99Subscription
Quarterly $0.09 / d$7.99Subscription
Yearly $0.03 / d$10.99Please make sure that address can receive the email, we will send you the order result by email.
Instructions of Payment
1.Auto Clicker has been integrated in the apps of Panda Helper and it only works on apps from Panda Helper.
2.It isn't an actual app and you can use it in the apps without downloading.
3.Auto Clicker is not necessarily suitable for all games.We can't responsible for the ban.
4.Not all apps are configured with Auto Clicker. If this app has Auto Clicker, you can click on the panda icon to see it.
5.The purchase is valid only for the payment device. If you change to another device, you need to pay again.
If you have any problem, please contact us by Email (
Total $2.99
Reinstall the description file to obtain equipment information and purchase.
OK1.For your convenience and to avoid service interruptions,auto-renewal automatically renews your subscription before it expires.
2.If you don't want to renew automatically, you can cancel it within 24 hours before the current deadline is over.
The subscription can be canceled in PayPal:【Settings】>【Payments】>【Manage automatic payments】> Choose the Payment >【Cancel】
3.Non-subscribers purchase VIP repeatly, VIP effective time will be automatically extended.
An error occurred during the payment process, you can contact us to report the problem.
Contact usWe have not received your payment result,you can click "Try Again" to request the payment result again.
1. When repurchasing, recommended that you change to another card for payment to prevent failure.
2. After repurchase, we will automatically cancel the old subscription for you.
1. If you have paid successfully, please click 【I have paid】 to confirm the payment result
2. If you want to choose again, please click 【Reselect】
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